Elaine & Dasher

The months from mid-2015 thru June 2018 were some of the most difficult for my body…five operations, 103 days in rehabilitation and six heart procedures, and my beautiful Great Pyrenees died.

For the past 30 years, my dogs have always been adult rescues. I knew my friend, Kristine, was always finding dogs for people so I asked her to be on the lookout for me. I also registered with several rescue shelters hoping to adopt a dog who needed a “forever” home. But the ensuing months were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, I kept asking Kristine when she was going to find a dog for me.

During our June book club meeting, I again asked her and this time she said yes. Three days later, Kristine drove me to meet Bev Gostovich, owner of Downs Lake Kennels in Spokane. There we were introduced to Duncan’s Dashing Diva of Downs Lake (“Dasher” for short). Bev breeds, trains and shows champion English Springer Spaniels.

I have always had largish dogs – 60 to 90 lbs. That was one of the required search criteria, along with longish hair and a longish nose. Kristine knew that a large dog would no longer be appropriate for me with my physical problems…that a 35-45 lb. Dog was more suitable. And she was right!

Kristine has provided me with the most wonderful, beautiful, loving companion who helps me walk steadier and does light household chores. Dasher picks up all the things I drop, fetches the newspaper from the driveway, carries light-weight packages and groceries. She reminds me when it is time to feed the cats by bringing me their food bowls in late afternoon around 4 o’clock.

I have been so blessed to have Kristine as a friend. Through her K9s Healing Hearts Foundation, every day of my life is joyous and filled with love. Both Kristine and Bev are a very important part of my life and I am so very grateful. Thank you, Kristine, from the depths of my heart. I love you!I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lori Hendrikson

When I heard of Kristine Peter’s K9’s Healing Hearts non-profit organization program – my heart broke out in song and hit an all-time high note! There is no one better suited to activate this heart centered mission and to bring healing aid to our Autistic Community than this icon of unconditional love: Kristine. A survivor of emotional, physical and psychological trauma- Kristine’s own life story and her brilliant loving light are a living testimony to the powerful healing impact that a trained comfort dog can have on a “life in need of love and support.”

In response to her personal recovery – thanks to a furry earth angel, service oriented K9 named Sundance – Kristine promptly extended this life changing, healing gift to her autistic grandson – Kai. And from this foundation- the K9 s Healing Hearts organization was born.

There are no words to express the powerful impact Kristine has set in motion! She recently responded to the cries of an elderly member of our local community – delivering an all-expenses paid healing k9 companion to this distraught woman in the depths of her suffering! We now enjoy this neighbor’s company as she proudly joins in monthly gatherings -with her K9 companion and huge smile in tow!

I can’t think of anyone better suited to lead a heart-centered mission, to listen to the growing needs of our challenged population and to organize a response that offers love, hope and healing – than this amazing “dog woman” Kristine Peters.

I thank God for Kristine and her authentic, heartfelt, soulfully inspired vision and her willingness to devote her time, energy, resources and – YES- her life – to connecting our autistic friends in need to an answer to prayer: via a loving K9 companion!

Please know that this testimony is accompanied not only by my absolute support and acknowledgment of Kristine’s ability to make a difference and my heartfelt best wishes- it is brought to you along with my vote of confidence represented by a financial contribution- straight from my heart!

Thank you!
Lori Henriksen
VP Newland Communities