Clara has a rare liver disease that causes her to itch and scratch constantly. She had never sleep through the night until Chester came along.

K9s Healing Hearts was contacted by Mary with Dogology February 2019, who trained Chester. She was contacted by the family after they were told by their physicians they might consider looking into a therapy dog for Clara because the medications they had prescribe were not working.
Chester was placed in her home for a trail basis and after three nights, Clara finally sleep through the night for the first time. Needless to say, Clara’s parent’s were so excited as was Clara. The only thing was Chester cost $15,000 dollars because of his extensive training. The family, friends and their church got together and raised half of the money. That is why Mary with Dogology contacted K9s Healing Hearts to see if we could help the family with the remaining cost of Chester.

We’ve been fund raising and have raised approximately $ 1,400 dollars, but still have $6,500 to go….!

Please CLICK HERE and help K9s Healing Hearts finishing paying for Chester for Clara.

My name is Clara and this is my medically trained therapy dog and best friend. He helps me to stop itching, sleep through the night and gives me lots of love.

Learn More about Clara