Updated: Apr 6, 2019

Elaine has some physical restrictions. She needed a service dog to help her fetch and pick up things in her home.

Elaine had been looking for a dog for over a year. She had lost her Great Pyrenees and knew I was always finding dogs. She had told me the type of dog she wanted, large dog, long hair and a rescue, just to mention a few of her requests. I would send her ones from different local rescues here in Spokane but never seemed to be the right one. Then one day I meet Bev G….. a local breeder and trainer of English Springier Spangles. I was meeting with Bev to talk about my foundation and she if her does would be a good fit for us. She happened to mention that she had a 6 year old female she was going to retire from breeding and that she had placed other dogs of hers with people in need of a trained service dog. I proposed this to Elaine and we scheduled a meet and great, and it was love at first sight. They’ve been together almost a year and has been a wonderful win win for both Elaine and Dasher.

You can read her testimony on our testimonials page.